So, just in case anyone was taking bets, I've been in Germany less than a week, and already I've managed to purchase several books (as though I weren't lugging around enough stuff as it is).
I went to the Pergomon Museum this morning so I could see the Ishtar Gate and some other exhibits which had been closed when I was there last summer...The weekly antique market was set up in the street outside, and of course I couldn't just walk by without seeing whether any of the booksellers had anything good, now could I? For three Euros I came back with a commentary by Denniston and Page on Aeschylus' Agamemnon, and a two volume text + commentary in German of Greek lyric poetry. There were some other interesting titles, but I restrained myself fairly well, I think, the stuff in German I should be able to find again if I really want it, but the Greek texts were too good of an opportunity to pass up.
1 Kommentar:
Ahh the Denniston and Page Agamemnon Commentary... :) A classic. I myself remember rejoicing as I found an old red-cloth Oxford hardcover of it for $15 Canadian in a used bookstore around here... though clearly you got a far better deal than I did. :)
Congratulations on your finds.
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